
A database performance insights platform from Cloud Rede

Sofia™ continuously monitors your SQL database and analyses your workload for potential problems. Gain complete visibility and total confidence in your database’s performance, with real-time insights.

View real-time insights

To-the-minute performance updates.

Get optimisation advice

Performance-boosting recommendations.

Identify errors

Instant error notifications, 24/7.


Real-time monitoring

If a database error occurs, Sofia™ will catch it before it escalates.

Top-tier database performance

​​Real-time and past insights

To-the-minute performance updates

Whether your issue is live, or was several days ago, we can get to the heart of the problem quickly and provide a solution without having to wait for it to happen again.

Optimisation advice

Performance-boosting recommendations

Get specific, evidence-based advice on exactly what you need to do to improve performance. What to create, change, or develop, and how to do it.

Proactive error notification

Monitoring your workload 24/7

We’ve poured decades of experience into capturing what really matters so we can pre-empt upcoming issues and take action before it’s too late.

Complete visibility

A birds-eye view of your database’s functionality

Gain insight into your whole estate or entire application with our consolidated views, linked events, and drill down capabilities from a single dashboard.


Cloud databases

Sofia™ is equally effective in cloud and on-premises environments. you’ll receive the same quality of insights and guidance no matter no matter where your SQL database is located.


Ready for scale

Flexible enough to take on high-volume and fast-moving data, Sofia™ is prepped for scale.

Sofia TM, by Cloud Rede - Top SQL

All part of the service

We use Sofia to support our clients. Whether you opt for our Consulting, Cloud, or Managed DBA service, you’ll get all the benefits that Sofia™ offers at no extra cost.

We've helped our clients achieve some impressive results

IPB Insurance

Fixing the impossible for IPB Insurance

IPB Insurance, a mutual insurance company, was facing significant challenges with the performance of their Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW).

IPB’s core challenge was to optimise the performance of their EDW jobs, which were essential for daily operations.

Cloud Rede adopted a methodical approach to resolve IPB’s challenges, which included a comprehensive analysis of IPB’s SQL Server environment.

IPB saw significant changes to its EDW job performance, with load times reduced by more than half.

Let's talk

Want to learn more about Sofia™?

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