Managed Cloud Service

Simplify your cloud journey, tap into growth potential with AWS and Azure

As multicloud experts, we remove the uncertainty from cloud platform design and management.


Quickly analyse and deliver against dynamic requirements.


Avoid delays – get things right the first time.


Proactively manage performance and costs.

Do more with Cloud Services

At Cloud Rede, we specialise in empowering businesses to realise their data’s full potential through expert management of their cloud platform with our Managed Cloud Service.

Our comprehensive cloud solutions are tailored to optimise performance, ensure robust security, and maintain compliance across AWS and Azure.

With seamless setup, bespoke proactive monitoring, and dedicated support, our team ensures that your cloud infrastructure operates at its optimum, enabling you to focus on driving business growth and innovation.

AWS Partner Select Tier Services and Microsoft Solutions Partner data & AI and Azure.

How it works

Subscription and infrastructure set-up

We’ll create the subscriptions and infrastructure you need to hit the ground running, or help you expand your existing set-up.

After that, we can support you as much or as little as you need, ensuring a smooth cloud migration.

Multicloud experts

Impartial advice so you can choose with confidence.

Leverage our partner status in both AWS and Microsoft Azure. We’re uniquely placed to help you choose the optimal cloud environment that’s right for your business, enabling you to utilise the strengths of each platform and reap the full cloud benefits.

Cost and performance monitoring

Using our bespoke monitoring software, Sofia™, we’ll continually assess your cloud environments to proactively manage costs and maintain performance.

Gain the freedom to focus less on problem-solving and more on scaling your business.


Our Managed Cloud Service gives you unlimited support for a fixed annual fee.

Let us manage your cloud infrastructure — ask us for help with any cloud requirements without additional charges. We integrate with your IT and dev teams, fostering long-term relationships and delivering expert support without causing disruption to team dynamics.

What to expect

We're secure

If your business relies on a cloud-based service, you should aim to keep it as secure as possible.

By consistently monitoring your cloud applications for errors and security issues, we protect both your service delivery and your company’s reputation.

We're collaborative

We join you as trusted partners, not just as suppliers.

We take ownership of the performance and safety of your cloud environments, meaning we take a proactive approach to our work. You don’t need to prompt us to fix issues, but if you ever want to raise a concern, you have direct access to us – we’re just a phone call away.

We're cost-effective

Our Managed Cloud Service is available for a fixed annual price.

You’ll never be in doubt about your cloud costs, meaning you can be much more confident of your business margins. We provide unlimited support for one set fee.

We're streamlined

Your team’s time is precious.

We help you optimise your operations, taking on tasks like setting up and maintaining cloud environments so that you can focus your company’s resources elsewhere. Because we’re specialists in this area, we can often identify errors’ root causes and deploy solutions quicker than in-house teams.

Go beyond what your thought was possible with the cloud


Helping a software tool developer scale with confidence

As a new business, GGH needed a brand new PCI-compliant IT infrastructure, plus a scalable solution to deliver their reporting service. 

We embarked on a comprehensive partnership with GGH, focusing not only on immediate needs but also the long-term vision of the company, anticipating requirements for the next ten to fifteen years.

Our close partnership meant we developed a deep understanding of GGH’s objectives and allowed us to build an infrastructure that was ideally suited to our client.

Let's talk

Need cloud support? Ask us about AWS-funded trials.

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