Looking to hire a DBA? Why not consider our Managed DBA Service for SQL Server instead:
- Access to world-class expertise
- One all-inclusive annual fee
- Reliable, comprehensive support
- Continuous cover
We work with you and your team to proactively keep your database platform issue-free. Always on hand should any problems arise, no holidays to cover.
You pay a flat fee for unlimited service requests. No hidden costs or extra call-out fees.
Using remote DBA support is a better way to manage your database.
Try our Managed DBA Service instead of hiring a new DBA
At Cloud Rede we have the experience and expertise to help. Our consulting services provide a comprehensive range of solutions for your short, medium and long-term strategic needs.
From solving database problems, stabilising temperamental systems and performing seamless cloud migrations to complete Managed DBA Service and Managed Cloud Service, we have the know-how to give you total peace of mind.
We believe in the power of collaboration and work in partnership with you, giving you access to our expertise.